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We match short video

creators with music

85M+ vids brought 101B organic views

to 10K+ advertisers. Made possible by 1.2M
Sound.me creators spanning 86 countries.

85M+ vids brought 101B organic views
to 10K+ advertisers. Made possible by 1.2M Sound.me creators spanning 86 countries.

Canada 25K+
USA 300K+
Mexico 20K+
Brazil 80K
Northern Africa 30K+
Nigeria 100K+
UK 80K+
Middle East 5K+
Indonesia 10K+
Philippines 200K+
Japan 5K+
Australia 10K+
New Zealand 2K+

Make videos, gain fans, get paid

if you're an advertiser, scroll down
Download the Sound.me
and sign up to start making cash.
Creators like you earn enough each month for Starbucks
goodies, or big-ticket items like cars or vacations.
Creators like you earn enough each month for Starbucks goodies, or big-ticket items like cars or vacations.
Use today's top trending sounds from celebs, movies, shows, and brands.
New campaigns every day.

Sound like a dream job, right?

Download the app

Influencer marketing unpacked

Advertisers send
us prompts
for short videos.
Our algorithm matches them with perfect
creators and pays them fairly based on their
followers and the complexity of the prompts.
Our algorithm matches them with perfect creators and pays them fairly based on their followers and the complexity of the prompts.
Videos hit YouTube or TikTok in just 12 hours.
It's all transparent with the Sound.me dashboard.

Go wild. It's your prompt

Set the rules

Pick creators by follower counts, location, age.

Customize your move:

vibe, message

Let your fantasy guide.

Throughout your

campaign, our team

is here for you.

Promote anything—music,

brands, movies, ideas.

There are no limits.